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Please note that Dundee Women's Aid is not responsible for the content of other external sites and content or views expressed on these may not reflect those of DWA.


Dundee My Life The Dundee My Life website can help you to find information about extra support to help with your care needs. It can help you or the person you care for see more clearly what services are available in the local area, and how to access them.
Women's Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre Dundee
Dundee Domestic Abuse Forum
The Corner (Children & Young People)
Dundee Protects (Children & Young People)


Follow It App Stalking App
Scottish Women's Aid
National Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Scotland's LGBT Domestic Abuse Project
Rape Crisis Scotland
Victim Information and Advice Scotland
Counselling Directory: Website | Facebook

Children & Young People:

Voice Against Violence
Safe Hub Scotland
The Hideout
LGBT Youth Scotland
The Corner (Dundee)
Dundee Protects (Children & Young People)

Violence Against Women Projects:

Women's Support Project
End Violence Against Women
Shelter Scotland

Links for LGBT women:

Fearless is a national domestic abuse service for survivors of domestic abuse in Scotland. Fearless will work with survivors of domestic abuse over 16 years old of all races, religions, beliefs, abilities, gender identities, sexes or sexual orientations.

Fearless offers non-judgmental, one-to-one support for individuals experiencing domestic abuse. Workers will offer mentoring and support in areas such as: healthcare, housing, emotional support, practical support, safety planning, addictions and assistance to access appropriate benefits.

The service will offer practical support for survivors to access a range of services and will support appropriate inclusion within communities. A dedicated case worker will work with any individual referred to the service and all support will be individually tailored to suit the client's personal needs.

SafeLives is a national charity supporting a strong multi-agency response to domestic abuse. Our work focuses on saving lives and saving public money. A range of resources for professionals working with, or commissioning services for, victims of domestic abuse is available via our website.

SafeLives Insights is an outcomes measurement tool for specialist domestic abuse services. To take part or to find out more, please contact David Dutchman, Insights research manager, via david.dutchman@safelives.org.uk or on 0117 317 8750.

Galop offers advice and support to people who have experienced biphobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual violence or domestic abuse. Galop provide a National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline providing confidential support to all members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) communities, their family and friends, and agencies supporting them.

LGBT Domestic Abuse Foundation (DAF), run by Stonewall Housing, exists to provide individuals and organisations with support to develop, implement and improve services for LGBT people who have experienced domestic abuse.

a:gender is the support network for staff in government departments/agencies who have changed or need to change permanently their perceived gender, or who identify as intersex.

Stop Domestic Abuse is a project run by LGBT Youth Scotland. It aims to support service providers who work with people who have experienced, or are currently experiencing domestic abuse.

The Beaumont Society is the largest and longest established transgender support group in the UK. The organisation supports transgendered people, their partners and families, as well as advising and training on transgender issues.

Scottish Transgender Alliance

Equality Network

The Women's Support Project Working against violence against women and children.

Stonewall Scotland Working to achieve equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Broken Rainbow

LGBT Helpline Scotland

LGBT Charter of Rights

Black and Minority Ethnic Women:

Shakti Women's Aid


Rape Crisis Scotland Links page

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